BSI History
BSI Group was founded in 1901 and has 2,445 staff: 55 per cent in Europe, Middle East and Africa; 16 per cent in the Americas and 29 per cent in Asia
BSI British Standards is part of BSI Group and is a non-profit distributing organization. It has a close working relationship with the UK government, primarily through the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).
As the world's first National Standards Body BSI British Standards represents UK economic and social interests across all of the European and international standards organizations.
It developments business information solutions for British organizations of all sizes and sectors, working with manufacturing and service industries, businesses, governments and consumers to facilitate the production of British, European and international standards.
Publishing a staggering 2,000(approx) standards each year and with around 6,000 standards in development at any one time all profits are reinvested into the services it provides.The price of a standard reflects its complexity; the price range for BSI standards is £5 - £1,150. with the average price of a standard being £75, or £37 for members.